Find an Instructor, Check Pilot, and Aircraft
Michigan Wing maintains a fleet of Cessna C-172, C-172 G1000, C-182, C-182 G1000, T206 G1000, and two gliders. In Northern Michigan, we have one Cessna 182 aircraft based at KCAD and will rotate between KTVC and KMGN as mission needs dictate.
Lt Col Bowden the Tip of the Mitt Squadron Commander is also the local flight instructor and check pilot. Along with 12 other check pilots in Michigan Wing, he is available for new pilot onboarding, proficiency flying, and CAP check rides (called CAP Form 5s).
Pilot onboarding is completed following CAPS 71-1 including one innital onboarding flight. For members, without G1000 or high preformance / C-182 time additional transition syllabus may required. When possible the onboarding training will be funded as an Air Force Assigned Mission (A Mission).
Think of your form 5 check flight as being similar to an FAA check ride. You will be evaulated to the approprate level ACS based on your FAA certificate type. Don't let this frighten you, it is a straight forward process, there are no trick questions and you can see exactly what is expected of you at:
CAPS 72-5 Aircrew Evaluation Sept 20
CAPS 72-6 Aircrew Evaluation Criteria Aug 20
CAPF 70-5 Pilot Flight Evaluation, Airplane
CAPF 70-5Q-A Pilot Flight Evaluation, Questionnaire, Airplane